I want to share with you the MAGIC of using WD-40 Smart Straw combine with WD-40 Specialist Silicone to repair and restore my rusty folding bike. For your information, I bought this folding bike during Malaysian Movement Control (MCO) where on that time was COVID-19 outbreak. After MCO finish, most of the time I keep the bicycle in my garage. When the bicycle expose to the sun for long period of time, it cause discoloration and ruin the appearance of my bicycle. Besides that, most of the part are rusty and cause it hard to fold the bike. So I decide to use WD-40 Easy Smart Straw to repair this bike where it helps me to lubricate all the rusted bicycle parts. In this video I show you all the parts that I spray WD-40 to help me lubricate in order for me to fold the bike. I also use WD-40 Specialist Silicone to restore back my bicycle. I spray at all the plastic part to make it shinny again and also protects it in from cracks. WD-40 Specialist Silicone is slippery and is minimally-reactive, it works on porous items like plastic to help restore them. So if you have plastic parts on a motorcycle, car, camping equipment or outdoor furniture and you want to clean them and prevent cracks, this is a great solution. And finally my bike looks like new and I'm able to fold it back and put into my car. Thank you WD-40


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