3 different WD-40 products to solve shoe cabinet sound problem, bicycles chain smoothness problem, house auto gate problem & house door knob problem.

I have a shoe cabinet that i use like 5 years already. To open and close the door it create loud sound and it irritate me and my family until i use WD-40 product to solve it or make it better. My house auto gate already like 11 years already and once a while to open the gate, it will take very long time. I used WD-40 product to solve it or make it better by spray it to the gate wheels and robotic arm area My family got 4 bicycles and we put it outside on our car pouch. After a while the bicycle chain will dry up and start turn rusty so i will use WD-40 product to solve it and maintain the chain condition We also use wd-40 to main all our house door knobs and lock condition. We been using wd-40 products for many years already. We do hope wd-40 can consider us as a potential winner. Thank you again for engaging customers and teaching customers on the various usage of your company products through facebook and other social media.


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